Our commercial water softener systems provide hard water treatment by removing calcium, magnesium and sediment from the water.
Find out how our water treatment systems can benefit your business.
85TA 1 inch Series Softeners
Our 85TA Series softeners provide
up to 16.6 gpm of soft water operating as a twin alternating system. They are engineered and thoroughly tested to provide years of reliable, trouble free performance with minimal maintenance.
Suitable for Apartments, Boiler Treatment, Breweries & Distilleries, Cooling Towers, Motels, Schools, Nursing Homes, Car Wash, Dairies, Factories, Laundromats, Office Buildings, Resorts, Restaurants, RO pre-treatment, Office Buildings, Hospitals, curling rinks, hockey arenas, greenhouse and hydroponic agriculture
95STS Series Softeners
Our 95STS series single valve softeners provide up to 44gpm of soft water. The system is engineered and thoroughly tested to provide years of reliable, trouble free performance with minimal maintenance.
Suitable for Apartments, Boiler Treatment, Breweries & Distilleries, Cooling Towers, Motels, Schools, Nursing Homes, Car Wash, Dairies, Factories, Laundromats, Office Buildings, Resorts, Restaurants, RO Pre-treatment, Office Buildings, Hospitals, curling rinks, hockey arenas, greenhouse and hydroponic agriculture
95MTS Series Softeners
Our 95MTS Series softeners provide up to 308 gpm of continuous soft water. Flow rates of up to 44 gpm per tank and the ability to control up to 8 softeners from a single controller.
Suitable for Apartments, Boiler Treatment, Breweries & Distilleries, Cooling Towers, Motels, Schools, Nursing Homes, Car Wash, Dairies, Factories, Laundromats, Office Buildings, Resorts, Restaurants, RO Pre-treatment, Office Buildings, Hospitals, Curling Rinks, Hockey Arenas, Greenhouse and Hydroponic Agriculture
MTS systems use 40-50% less salt and regeneration water compared to conventional systems. During periods of high flow demand, tanks come on-line to add flow rate capacity. During periods of low flow demand, tanks go off-line insuring optimal efficiency and product water quality.
105MTS Series Commercial Water Softeners
All systems are available in single, duplex, triplex, and quadplex operation.
105 MTS Series softeners provide up to 462 gpm continuous soft water 24 hours a day. They are engineered and thoroughly tested to provide years of reliable, trouble-free performance with minimal maintenance.
MTS systems use 40-50% less salt and regeneration water compared to conventional systems. During periods of high flow demand, tanks come on-line to add flow rate capacity. During periods of low flow demand, tanks go off-line insuring optimal efficiency and product water quality.
MVS Series Softeners
MVS softeners can soften up to 885 gpm of soft water, based on a quadplex system with one tank off-line at all times for regeneration. Available in single, duplex, triplex, and quadplex operation.
Uses up to 50% less salt and 28% less water.
Suitable for Apartments, Boiler Treatment, Breweries & Distilleries, Cooling Towers, Motels, Schools, Nursing Homes, Car Wash, Dairies, Factories, Laundromats, Office Buildings, Resorts, Restaurants, RO Pre-treatment, Office Buildings, Hospitals, Curling Rinks, Hockey Arenas, Greenhouse and Hydroponic Agriculture